Imported Rum 2018 Price List (Bangalore & Karnataka) Angostura, Clement, Mount Gay & Ron Zacapa.

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Rum lovers around the world owe a great debt to a simple plant: sugar cane. Hundreds of years ago, there was a sugar craze in Europe, and colonies were established around the Caribbean to make the sweet commodity. But the production of sugar creates a lot of byproduct—namely, molasses. There wasn’t much use for the thick, sticky, sweet substance until it was discovered that molasses could be fermented and then distilled. The alcohol quickly became popular with pirates

Angostura Premium White Rum700ML

PRICE :  3,172.00

Clement VSOP 700ML

PRICE :  4,857.00

Malibu Caribbean Rum with Coconut 750ML

PRICE :  2,980.00

Mount Gay Rum Barbados Eclipse 700ML

PRICE :  2,998.00

Ron Zacapa XO Solera 750ML

PRICE :  7,250.00